Developing an Intervention to Reduce Sedentary Behaviour in Community-Dwelling Older Adults - Ragy Tadrous

Study Overview

Older adults are the fastest growing age group in society, and with two-thirds of older adults sitting for more than 8.5 hours per day, they are also the most sedentary.

With the association of sedentary behaviour to the development of physical frailty, poorer social well-being, and risk factors for mortality, it is estimated that sedentary behaviour in older adults accounts for £103 million annually. This PhD will attempt to develop an intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour in community-dwelling approach through co-production with members of the CARE75+ cohort.

Ragy is a PhD Candidate in the University of Leeds and is based in the Academic Unit for Ageing and Stroke Research in the Bradford Institute of Health Research.


Professor Andrew Clegg (Bradford Institute for Health Research, University of Leeds)

Professor Anne Forster (Bradford Institute for Health Research, University of Leeds)

Professor Amanda Farrin (LCTRU, University of Leeds)

Dr Peter Coventry (University of York)

Image of Ragy Tadrous